Net4market - CSAmed

Company’s beating heart is located in the historic centre of Cremona, Italy.

Our team consists of over 80 professionals who share a common mission: offering application solutions integrated with high technological services suitable for all types of companies, whether public or private, small or large size.

Our approach, based on partnership and not on competitiveness, has enabled us to achieve our goals quickly. Due to the experience gained in over 15 years in the e-procurement market, we have innovated our services and have spent our energies to human level too, especially on customer’s care and platform’s customization.


In addition, our presence for over 30 years in healthcare field has allowed us to find more and more innovative solutions for hospital management, thanks to the software implementation by the division of net4market, Csamed.

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Net4market – CSAmed locations

Net4market – CSAmed s.r.l.
Corso Giacomo Matteotti, 15
26100 Cremona (CR)

Tel: +39 0372 801730

Net4market – CSAmed s.r.l.
Viale di Porta Tiburtina, 36
00185 Roma (RM)

Tel: +39 06 86936214

Net4market – CSAmed s.r.l.
Viale Sant’Avendrace, 272
09122 Cagliari (CA)

Tel: +39 070 7598220

ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications

We guarantee the continuous improvement of our company and the services offered.

We give priority to adopt a management model that will lead our organization to the continuous improvement of our performances, in order to fulfill customer’s needs without making any compromise.

The ISO 9001 certification demonstrates that we are able to respond coherently and comprehensively to expectations of our customers, as well as achieve significant improvements in organizational efficiency and product quality by minimizing waste, avoiding errors and increasing productivity. View the certificate in Italian.

Through ISO 27001 certification, Net4market – CSAmed guarantees that the entire information lifecycle is managed effectively, ensuring integrity and safety. In this way, we want to demonstrate the attention we place on security and data privacy. View the certificate in Italian.

SaaS qualification

Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale (AGID) has outlined a qualifying path for public administrations’ Software as a Service (SaaS) suppliers, in order that Public Administration can adopt consistent and high-quality Cloud services.
Net4market – CSAmed has achieved SaaS qualification required by AGID.

So we guarantee standards as: application security, arrangements to appropriate customer support, detailed and updated information’s availability and clarity about service delivery methods and data export, data protection and portability in every advance stages of supply.

Net4market - CSAmed numbers

Average age:

40 years old

Female percentage:


Average growth in turnover:
